TOCAG Needs You
A community charity can only succeed if what it is doing actually matters to the community.
Every little engagement from you really matters, it is our lifeblood. With a little bit of help we can save the church and make it a local icon to be proud of and for future generations

Here are a few ways we would love your help. If this looks scary it isn’t meant to be – just one small thing would be wonderful, and anything you can do, just as a one off or no more than here and there makes all the difference.
- Visit Thundridge Old Church and come along to TOCAG events

- Follow us:
- Ask to join the mailing list and receive updates
- Check and share the website News to see developments.

- Talk to us –
- Just ‘Hello’, lets us know we’re reaching friends.
- Please comment on what are we doing well and could do more of, and how we might do things better or differently. Email, or comment on website posts.
- What does the church mean to you – thoughts, stories, anecdotes, information, theories, pictures – anything that helps us build a picture that this is a place that anyone cares about and why – however ‘ordinary’ that might seem (walking the dog, reading the gravestones, etc), it is still a part of peoples lives and thoughts. How would you feel if it was gone or behind private walls?

- Become a detective: share your questions and help unravel conundrums
- There are plenty of online documents and monuments to decipher; family trees to fathom; field finds and lumps and bumps to rediscover
- We have and are building contacts with a number of British and international university History, Archaeology and Philosophy Departments; but never underestimate the amateur local historian, detectorist, or curious key stage or U3A contributors

- Get involved – TOCAG needs your skills and enthusiasm.
- Are you creative; can you draw, produce graphics, photograph, write, edit or educate?
- Do you have IT skills; can you improve published content, use of the web, email or social media?
- Can you organise; can you assist with events, advertising, complete forms, get quotes, buy things, produce reports?
- Do you have experience in Finance, Purchasing, Property, Business or Legal work? These skills will be vital to help TOCAG manage custodianship of the site, raise funds, and conform to legislation.
- Are you an outgoing networker, who can help share our message and mission; enthuse and encourage support; utilise contacts who can help.
- Are you practical; would you be able to help maintain the churchyard, make noticeboards, clean graffiti.
- Could you supplement our leadership team or board of trustees? Our current core group of four people, are a happy welcoming team – there might even be biscuits and tea on offer.